It was 28th Aug 2022,I knew I was having an interview scheduled today, but what I didn't knew was that GMail sucks, The company sent a mail a day before about the details of the interview and timing which was supposed to be at 2pm on 28th. But my very smart Gmail and Google calendar, sent me a notification that the interview is scheduled at 7.30pm evening. Thankfully, the company sent me a reminding mail 15 mins before the interview. So I was able to join the interview, but wait it's just the beginning... The clouds started bursting out loud, made my network slow, and never the less the interview told me that there's a lot of background noise, so I thought ,let's change the earphone ,but that didn't work, So I started giving it on loud speaker. Now, the interviewer started asking questions, I was trying my best to answer them correctly, There were some questions that I was not able to answer as I was not well revised, then he gave me a coding question in the chat,...